Confidence is a muscle that you need to exercise October 23, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

So many people think that confidence is something we are either born with or not but this is a lie!  Confidence is a muscle – we all have a confidence muscle but some of us haven’t learnt to exercise it yet. If you want tight, strong tummy muscles you go to the gym to do your sit ups, crunches, planks, and leg raises 3-4 times a week, you also watch your diet and, lo and…

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Your past is not your destiny October 15, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

  I was listening to a podcast recently on which an eminent psychotherapist was asked what she would say to those who remain cynical about the effectiveness of talking therapies.  Her answer was simple, “Your past is not your destiny,” she replied, before explaining how counsellors, coaches and psychotherapists are all in the business of helping their clients detach from their past in order to create a new future. I think I punched the air. …

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The Power of Acceptance October 9, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development, Relationships

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you just accepted everything as it is without judgement, without trying to change other people, and without complaint? What if life were a river you were simply required to swim in; going with the flow, navigating all the twists and turns, and rocks and rapids, and tranquil spots along the way? How would your life be if you stopped trying to control everything and…

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You can never out-give life… May 29, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

Clients often work with me because they want to find out what their purpose is in life.  Or even, what the purpose is of life itself. Here’s what I’ve discovered… Life is about giving – not taking.  Our culture teaches us to grab, and compete, and grasp for stuff/people/experiences/status etc but I believe if you give freely of yourself to life it will always just give back to you.  In spades!  Giving is something I…

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Painfully perfect? May 15, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

“I can’t possibly be a perfectionist!  I never get anything right!” This was the response of my client to my suggestion that she was suffering with perfectionism.  After she spoke I remained silent and slowly the realisation of what she’d said hit her… “Oh, wait!” she said, “If I wasn’t a perfectionist I wouldn’t always worry about getting everything right… Right?” BINGO! As a specialist in confidence issues I see perfectionism in my clients on…

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Your best life is rooted in truth … May 8, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

I was recently interviewed by America’s Danielle Longano for her Sunshine Summit.  The purpose of the summit being to help people start becoming their best selves and live their best lives. You can listen to the full 30-minute interview here. In it, you will hear me saying repeatedly that our best lives are born out of truth.  I believe I can only be my best when I’m operating from a position of authenticity and truth. Operating from truth means…

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Addicted to fear …? May 2, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

As a Confidence Coach, one of my main pieces of work is helping my clients identify when they are listening to fear and how this then manifests in their lives.  Fear is a very debilitating condition to live with on a long term basis: it causes us to stay in relationships/jobs/situations that no longer feed us, it tells us we can’t cope with life, it tells us we are not worthy and that everyone else…

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How to stop worrying? Follow the signs… November 22, 2016 – Posted in: Confidence, Personal Development, Spirituality

Sometimes you just need to be aware of the signs that life is sending your way… This morning I found myself caught up in needless worry. An old habit that I thought I’d laid to rest. But, for some mysterious reason this morning it was back. Back with a vengeance! Now, I know what to do with worry. I’ve written a book about it for goodness sakes!  This is how to stop worrying… Notice it…

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True courage October 24, 2016 – Posted in: Personal Development

I was absolutely blown away by a 22-year old soldier named Jack Davis on the TV this morning. He was on a breakfast show talking about true courage. Nothing to do with war. Nothing to do with guns. Nothing to do with combat.

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