Flying for

A proven system for lasting self-confidence

My acclaimed, 5 STAR rated debut book is helping people all over the world take charge of their thinking and build genuine confidence. Outlining how I broke free from the bondage of low self-esteem, Flying for Beginners shows you just what to do to reclaim your life.

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Don’t just take my word for it, here are just a few of my amazing reviews:

  • “Compact, fully loaded - So many positives about this book!"

  • “Loved this book. I found the diagrams really helpful in visualizing what I was feeling and the different voices we use made so much sense. Going to speak a lot more kindly to myself now.”

  • “This is so my kind of self help book. Concise, logical, not full of padding and instantly useable. I was calmer and managed my thoughts and negative speak of myself immediately. Jo Emerson really knows how to get to the heart of the issue and make you understand the constant chatter in your head. It’s a life changer.”

  • “Jo really get’s it, she unpacks it and she gives you the tools and advice to fix it. Buy this book (go on!), READ IT, you definitely won’t regret it. Thanks Jo.”