How to overcome your fear of public speaking February 28, 2019 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

I remember the first time I ever gave a speech at work to a group of people in my mid-twenties; my ENTIRE body was shaking with nerves to the point where I couldn’t read my notes because the paper was shuddering around so much.  My palms were sweating, my face was flushed and my voice was all over the place.  Hardly the perfect ingredients for a decent speech. BUT… I kept going (I had to)…

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Happy Couples – how to keep your relationship happy every day (not just on Valentine’s) January 31, 2019 – Posted in: Advice, Personal Development, Relationships

Valentine’s Day is marketed to us as a ‘day for lovers’ and, of course, in some ways it is.  It’s a day to maybe put extra thought into your primary relationship and make more effort to show your special person just how much they mean to you. But, I would argue that every day is a day for lovers because actively loving your partner (and yourself) is the key to keeping your relationship happy every…

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Where’s the real gender gap? December 4, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development, Relationships

I had a conversation with a friend the other day who was passionately reminding me how unfair she believes things are for women in this day and age.  This is because by doing the bulk of the childcare (which a lot of women choose to do) they lose out financially, both at the time of caring for their little ones and when they return to work.  She was very angry about the gender pay gap.…

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You are what you think… November 14, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development

I was ten when I started to believe I had fat legs. It needs to be said at this stage that I categorically did not have fat legs (I was a skinny kid) but I absolutely believed I did have fat legs and they immediately became a source of shame for me. I clearly remember looking at a photo of myself in my Tammy Girl white-with-pink-dots rah-rah skirt (I was a girl of my time…

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Life on Life’s terms… September 21, 2018 – Posted in: Confidence, Personal Development

I first heard the expression ‘Life on Life’s terms’ in my twenties when I was a messed-up, confused, unhappy young woman who couldn’t seem to find any peace or contentment in her life.  The wise old bird who suggested I try to accept life on life’s terms had herself been a messed-up, confused, unhappy young woman, who had discovered the power of acceptance to transform her into the serene, wise, contented person she now was. …

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Got five minutes? Try these easy meditation tips February 25, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Personal Development, Spirituality

“If you don’t go within, you go without” – meditation is the key to finding stress relief and answers within yourself (rather than in caffeine, sugar, or Google) and it’s something you can do pretty much anywhere and everywhere.  For quick five minute meditation, I do this… – Find somewhere where you’ll be undisturbed for five minutes – the loo, your car, a bench, your desk – and set your alarm to stop you fretting about…

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What’s the point of meditation? February 16, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Personal Development, Spirituality

When I first started learning to meditate (seven years ago) I made the classic rookie error of thinking the aim of the entire process was to utterly clear my mind.  This resulted in many failed and frustrated attempts as mine is a mind that really doesn’t want to be emptied, and it turns out that’s not the point of meditation anyway. Meditation and its more secular cousin, mindfulness, are practices that enable you to understand…

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Free to laugh and free to cry February 1, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Personal Development

If I had a pound for every time someone has apologised to me for crying in a coaching session I would be a very wealthy woman! “Oh God! Jo, I’m so sorry to cry.” “Sorry for the tears, Jo.” “How embarrassing – I’m crying! I’m really sorry, Jo” “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry and here I am!  Sorry!” and on and on… My response to this is the same every time. “Tears are the…

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Healthier habits to boost your career January 22, 2018 – Posted in: Advice, Personal Development

January is usually a time that we take stock of where we are and start to re-evaluate whether we’re in the right place. This is very true of work, so here are my five tips for healthier habits to boost your career. Do a job you love and do it well The best way to succeed at work is to find something you enjoy doing and then do it to the very best of your…

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Have yourself a confident Christmas… November 30, 2017 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development, Relationships

For those of you who regularly read my blog and my advice column you’ll know that I’m all about authenticity and being real. Why? Because perfectionism and mask-wearing are two of the biggest barriers to confidence that I’ve come across in my six years as a coach. I’ve worked with hundreds of people (probably thousands now) and they all tell me that pretending to be someone or something they’re not feeds their insecurities. And dismantles…

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