What Can You Give? July 8, 2015 – Posted in: Confidence, Personal Development – Tags: , ,

I have a theory about life and it goes something like this … when we focus on what we can give to life rather than what we can get out of it we become much happier, more fulfilled people (and we get what we need anyway).

This is a giving life, not a getting life.

Happy, confident people go out and give the best of themselves to life and gain huge satisfaction from doing so. They also enjoy empowering others to do the same.

Please hear me clearly when I say that I’m not talking about giving to the point of exhaustion or working without being paid. We all have to take care of ourselves and place appropriate boundaries around our personal and professional relationships. What I do mean is that when I place greater emphasis on what I can give to a situation rather than what it might benefit me, I have a better day and always seem to end up with what I need anyway.

It’s almost as if I can’t out-give life and the longer I live the more I’m able to trust in that process.

There will be times when we need to allow others to give to us and know that they are gaining huge pleasure from doing so. We won’t be actively giving all the time – the flow of life simply prevents this. But, if your daily focus can become on making your best contribution to the day (rather than demanding the day give to you) I think you’ll be amazed at the results.

Giving makes us feel good, anyway – I’ve always thought that altruism is a kind of misnomer as those who give gain huge pleasure from doing so. But, more than that, giving freely of yourself seems to enable greater peace and flow in your life.

Try it for a week and let me know what happens.

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