Do you think GET-DO-BE? April 18, 2016 – Posted in: Advice, Confidence, Personal Development, Relationships, Spirituality – Tags: , , , ,

Do you think GET-DO-BE?

Over the years I’ve often seen quotes suggesting that in order to attract true love into your life you have to ‘be’ true love in your life.

And this used to really confuse me. But, I think I understand it a bit better now.

As a culture we’re programmed to think that we will ‘be’ a certain person once we ‘get’ a certain thing.

“I’ll be responsible once I get that promotion,”
“I’ll forgive her once I get her apology,”
“I’ll be really happy once I find (get) true love.”

This is the GET-DO-BE model – we think that when we get what we want, we will do things associated with this and will magically become a certain type of person.

What about flipping it? What about living the BE-DO-GET model..?

BE responsible in your work now by doing responsible things and you will get that promotion. Act ‘as if’ you’re the boss and you’ll be boss-like.

BE forgiving and an apology will likely come. Act ‘as if’ you forgive her and you’ll experience the freedom of being a forgiving person.

BE loving and love will find it’s way to you. Act ‘as if’ you are in love and happy, do loving, kind, happy things and you will likely attract love into your life.

This is what is means to be love in your own life. It’s a decision made moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day and it adds up to a life of love.

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