When self-love seems impossible… March 30, 2016 – Posted in: Confidence, Personal Development
As we come to the end of self-love month I wanted to tell you about something that happened to me just yesterday. Because sometimes (oftentimes) we need the love and guidance of another person in order to recapture our sense of self-love.
I met with my friend and fellow coach, as we’d planned to record an interview for her website. Over lunch we both realised that yesterday wasn’t going to be the right day; the tech wasn’t working and, actually, she and I were both struggling with personal stuff meaning we were a little off our game.
She decided to postpone our interview and I agreed – it was absolutely the right decision. We then ended up having an impromptu coaching session during which she helped me to see my struggle in an entirely new light and identify where I might make some small shifts to recalibrate and regain my peace.
She basically loved and ‘truth-ed’ me back to myself and it was just what I needed!
So, if you’re struggling to find self-love then ask a trusted friend to speak some loving truth into your life. It may be just what you need to return to yourself, which is where your deepest peace lies…