Episode 7 - Alice - I take things personally at work

Meet Alice - a successful writer who came to me wanting to react less personally to feedback and criticism so that she could do better at her job and find life a little easier in the feedback culture at work. What she reveals in this episode will echo with you if you’ve become convinced that life is a competition. We explore Alice’s draining habit of comparing herself to other people and discover that this is rooted in an upbringing in which she always felt like the silly baby of the family.  

This episode is for you if you want to break out of a negative self-image and stop competing with everyone you meet.

If you are struggling with receiving feedback and defensiveness consider this:

  1. If you believed that feedback was simply someone else’s opinion that you could choose to accept or not, how much easier would it be to hear it?

  2. What are you allowing from the past to poison your life today? What negative self-image do you need to drop?

  3. What are the things you don’t like about yourself? Carl Rogers told us that we can only change things in ourselves that we can accept first so maybe it's time to practice some self-acceptance.

  4. Know this - you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. It’s okay to get things wrong


Episode 8 - Anthony - How can I stop being so hard on myself?


Episode 6 - Jo - People should be nice