Episode 8 - Anthony - How can I stop being so hard on myself?

Anthony seeks to raise his self-esteem and stop being so hard on himself. Last season we only heard from women so I’m delighted that two men have agreed to take part this time and Anthony’s story is so relatable. We’ve coached in the past and he’s one of the loveliest people you’ll ever meet. So, how does he start believing this about himself? Listen to the full episode as he bravely faces the death of his father when he was a seven-year-old and the complicated feelings he’s had about himself ever since.

If you’d like to build your self-esteem, here’s what I suggest:

  1. Write down the messages you picked up about yourself when you were young. What old stories are you still dragging around with you?

  2. Ask yourself, “Are these messages really true about me today?” 

  3. Now ask yourself, “What else could be true?” 

  4. Now, give yourself a day in which you only believe the new version of events about yourself and notice how differently you feel about yourself.


Episode 9 - Jonny - What if I go all in and I end up hating it?


Episode 7 - Alice - I take things personally at work