Episode 5 - Daphne - Bullies destroyed my confidence

Meet Daphne - a successful businesswoman who suffers with anxiety and a loss of confidence due to former workplace bullying and menopausal issues. For context, Daphne has been through two bouts of serious workplace bullying neither of which were dealt with appropriately.  Hear how the dusty ghosts from the past still linger in her life and how the power of coaching can send them packing.

This is another episode in which you can literally hear the psychological shift as Daphne starts to understand a new truth about her past.

Listen out for themes of menopause and workplace bullying.

If you've experienced bullying at your work please don’t blame yourself.  That’s exactly what the bully wants you to believe so that they can get away with their awful behaviour.

  1. Speak to HR and tell them what’s happening. Hopefully, this will nip things in the bud.

  2. However, if this doesn’t work consider getting legal advice. Also, consider leaving - your sanity and mental health are far too valuable to risk going through any more bullying.

  3. Know that bullies treat you badly because they are trying to offload their own intolerable feelings of self-hatred onto you.  What I’m saying here is that it’s not about you no matter how personal it feels.

  4. Next time you come across a bully put an immediate boundary in place by calling out their behaviour. This way they will know not to mess with you again.


Episode 6 - Jo - People should be nice


Episode 4 - Jo - I'm not good enough